Etimologie și statistici pentru numele Clough

Răspândire: 3% prenume, 97% nume de familie.
Prenumele Clough a fost găsit de 322 ori în 4 țări.
Numele de familie Clough este folosit de cel puțin 8806 ori în cel puțin 25 țări.
Genul prenumelui Clough este 0% feminin și 100% masculin.
Numele scris cu litere chinezești: 克拉夫 (pinyin: kè lā fū)

      Surname Clough
Nume de botez
David Clough (32)
Andrew Clough (28)
John Clough (23)
Adam Clough (22)
Adrian Clough (20)
Elizabeth Clough (16)
Christopher Clough (15)
Anthony Clough (14)
Brian Clough (14)
Adele Clough (14)
Peter Clough (14)
Emma Clough (12)
Robert Clough (12)
James Clough (12)
Michael Clough (12)
Richard Clough (12)
Jennifer Clough (11)
Amanda Clough (11)
Angela Clough (11)
Christine Clough (11)
Barbara Clough (10)
Ian Clough (10)
Mark Clough (10)
Catherine Clough (10)
Helen Clough (10)
Alan Clough (10)
Lisa Clough (9)
Ann Clough (9)
Daniel Clough (9)
Susan Clough (9)
Diane Clough (9)
Joanne Clough (9)
Thomas Clough (8)
Charlotte Clough (8)
Stephen Clough (8)
Barry Clough (8)
Matthew Clough (8)
Aaron Clough (8)
Agnes Clough (7)
William Clough (7)
Gary Clough (7)
Paul Clough (7)
Patricia Clough (7)
Steven Clough (7)
Anne Clough (7)
Sarah Clough (7)
Karen Clough (6)
Brenda Clough (6)
Fiona Clough (6)
Amy Clough (6)
Graham Clough (6)
Martin Clough (6)
Julie Clough (6)
Joshua Clough (6)
Joan Clough (6)
Alice Clough (6)
Ashley Clough (6)
Margaret Clough (5)
Beverley Clough (5)
Maureen Clough (5)
Linda Clough (5)
Beryl Clough (5)
Carol Clough (5)
Jonathan Clough (5)
Mary Clough (5)
Jayne Clough (5)
Claire Clough (5)
Alison Clough (5)
Cynthia Clough (5)
Michelle Clough (5)
Doris Clough (5)
Caroline Clough (4)
Charles Clough (4)
Arthur Clough (4)
Dean Clough (4)
Abigail Clough (4)
Derek Clough (4)
Howard Clough (4)
Sandra Clough (4)
Laura Clough (4)
Judith Clough (4)
Joyce Clough (4)
Lewis Clough (4)
Patrick Clough (4)
Doug Clough (4)
Sharon Clough (4)
Rachel Clough (4)
Janet Clough (4)
Joseph Clough (4)
Geoffrey Clough (4)
Kenneth Clough (4)
Paula Clough (4)
Gavin Clough (4)
Donald Clough (3)
Sally Clough (3)
Pauline Clough (3)
Ethel Clough (3)
Nicole Clough (3)
Carl Clough (3)
Samantha Clough (3)
Stuart Clough (3)
Bernadette Clough (3)
Betty Clough (3)
Donna Clough (3)
Emily Clough (3)
Luke Clough (3)
Louise Clough (3)
Colin Clough (3)
Elaine Clough (3)
Debra Clough (3)
Jane Clough (3)
Darren Clough (3)
Jack Clough (3)
Ben Clough (3)
Harry Clough (3)
Deborah Clough (3)
Gemma Clough (3)
Keith Clough (3)
Kathryn Clough (3)
Darryl Clough (3)
Frederick Clough (3)
Malcolm Clough (3)
Anna Clough (3)
Antony Clough (3)
Andrea Clough (3)
Reginald Clough (3)
Alexander Clough (3)
Dennis Clough (3)
Frank Clough (3)
George Clough (3)
Beatrice Clough (3)
Audrey Clough (3)
Kerry Clough (3)
Kevin Clough (3)
Shirley Clough (3)
Nathan Clough (2)
Neal Clough (2)
Sheila Clough (2)
Gareth Clough (2)
Nicola Clough (2)
Nicholas Clough (2)
Freddie Clough (2)
Roy Clough (2)
Neil Clough (2)
Simon Clough (2)
Siobhan Clough (2)
Lee Clough (2)
Stephanie Clough (2)
Russell Clough (2)
Diana Clough (2)
Dorothy Clough (2)
June Clough (2)
Elton Clough (2)
Natalie Clough (2)
Becky Clough (2)
Andy Clough (2)
Ivan Clough (2)
Samuel Clough (2)
Jean Clough (2)
Holly Clough (2)
Ken Clough (2)
Jeanette Clough (2)
Jeannie Clough (2)
Rachael Clough (2)
Hugh Clough (2)
Phyllis Clough (2)
Irene Clough (2)
Imani Clough (2)
Philip Clough (2)
Heather Clough (2)
Oliver Clough (2)
Gerald Clough (2)
Desmond Clough (2)
Fred Clough (2)
Jacqueline Clough (2)
Gordon Clough (2)
Eric Clough (2)
Noel Clough (2)
Jenny Clough (2)
Norman Clough (2)
Hannah Clough (2)
Roger Clough (2)
Phillip Clough (2)
Stewart Clough (2)
Allison Clough (2)
Caitlin Clough (2)
Chris Clough (2)
Wendy Clough (2)
Clair Clough (2)
Clara Clough (2)
Veronica Clough (2)
Victoria Clough (2)
Lindsey Clough (2)
Pat Clough (2)
Lilian Clough (2)
Leo Clough (2)
Annette Clough (2)
Evelyn Clough (2)
Annie Clough (2)
Rick Clough (2)

Given name Clough
Nume de familie
Clough Sarah (1)
Clough Joanne (1)
Clough Rajasingham (1)

Surname Clough in France   Surname Clough in Norway   Surname Clough in USA   

Clough scris invers: Hguolc
Cuvântul conține 6 litere - 33.33% vocale și 66.67% consoane.

Anagrame: Lcuohg Hlugoc Locuhg Guhcol
Greșeli frecvente in scriere: Clougha Colugh Clouhg Cloguh

Rhymes: McCullough furlough plough slough Gainsborough Hugh Limbaugh allow brow plow prow

Clough înseamnă: (Origin Anglo-Saxon) Locality. A small valley between hills, a breach; from the past of the Anglo-Saxon participle cleofian, to cleave, divide.
Această pagină are vizitatori din următoarele țări: United States United Kingdom Australia Germany Austria Canada Hong Kong India Ireland Switzerland New Zealand Malaysia Poland France Italy Reunion


Persoane faimoase: Brian Howard Clough, Nigel Howard Clough, Arthur Hugh Clough, Tom Clough, Gareth Clough, Charles Sidney Clough, Anne Jemima Clough, Ian Clough

Scriitori: Monica Clough, Prunella Clough, Joanne Clough, Gordon Clough, Juliet Clough, Jean Clough, Robert Clough, Mark Clough, Myles Clough, Paul Clough, Dwight Clough, Brian Clough, Brenda Clough, Julie Clough, Marie Clough, Fred Clough, Sharon Clough, Ronald Clough, Dean Clough, Rob Clough

Cărți: "Clough: a biography" "Clough: the critical heritage" "Clough: The Autobiography" "Clough a biography" "Prunella Clough" "Arthur Hugh Clough" "Clough Confidential" "Arthur Hugh Clough: a monograph" "Arthur Hugh Clough: a poet's life" "Cloughie"

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