Etimologie și statistici pentru numele Puodziukas

Nu am găsit Puodziukas pe post de prenume.
Numele de familie Puodziukas este folosit de cel puțin 11 ori în cel puțin 4 țări.

      Surname Puodziukas
Nume de botez
Darius Puodziukas (1)
Arunas Puodziukas (1)

Surname Puodziukas in USA   

Puodziukas scris invers: Sakuizdoup
Cuvântul conține 10 litere - 50.00% vocale și 50.00% consoane.

Anagrame: Duupoizask Zuodpiksua Sdapouziku Dzaposukiu
Greșeli frecvente in scriere: Puodziukos Puodziukass Puodzyukas Puodzjukas Puodzeukas Puodziukasa Poudziukas Puodziuksa Puodziuaks

Rhymes: babushkas balalaikas bazookas eurekas mazourkas mazurkas parkas belugas mucous mucus chukkas

Puodziukas înseamnă: -
Liudas Edward Puodziukas says: I am only a physician and not trained in Mediaeval European history. Many British surnames derive from occupational work. Mr. Fletcher made arrows. Bowman made or used bows(and arrows). Mr. Smith worked on a forge and made horse shoes. Mr. Sawyer probably felled trees in the forest. In Lithuanian the word puodas means a pot (clay, metal, or maybe even wood). The suffix “iukas” denotes a diminutive version of the root word. I have reconciled to my own satisfaction and peace and curiosity that I am a descendant of an ancestor who made pots, or maybe little pots like (?) cups/mugs, or...., was a fellow of small stature who made all/any kinds of pots in the village. And if he moved to mediaeval Britain, his name would be Potter!!

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